
Minting is live!

Minting is live!

  • Price .03 ETH
  • Max Mints per Tx is 10
  • Max Total Mints 9999

Yeps are the membership NFTs for the Instant NFT universe. Yeps bestow significant membership benefits for holders, including:

  • Participation in the Instant NFT DAO.
  • Discounts on minting Instant NFTs.
  • Presale minting periods for Yep holders.
  • Yeps share in the revenue stream of the Instant NFT protocol.
  • Yeps are 100% on chain

Instant NFT DAO

See the DAO for more information on Yeps benefits.

Yeps Are Fully Customizable

Yeps start out with an iconic look, a palette, and unique hair that is generated on chain.

In order to showcase the power of our on chain programming languages Gyve and Fyrd, Yep owners can fully customize their Yep. There are no limits to the amount of customization you can do. It's completely open ended. You can retain our code and add a some of you own personal touches, or create something entirely new.

We will also be adding the occasional new property to the base Yeps over the first year. Yeps are always growing!

All of our Gyve and Fyrd code used to generate Yeps, and the images generated are 100% CC0 - public domain. Do with it as you wish.

Customize My Yeps

Videos - Customizing Yeps

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